Invitation for micropayment solution: TrickPay

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Why choose Trickpay ?

TrickPay is a micropayment solution for sale of a small amounts products and services.

TrickPay is the first micropayment solution in Africa and Arabic World aimed for websites and mobile application content provider, willing to make a premium content and rentabilise their websites and mobile Apps and Games.

TrickPay offers to your users the easiest and reliable micropayment method, with the most attractive market conditions : Premium SMS.

TrickPay is a safe and efficient way to sell a digital content onlline.
   Significants outpayments and efficient repayment methods.
   A fast easy and reliable facility.
A high service quality provided, and a permanent availability. 7d/7, 24/24
   check your outpayments on real time.
   A high technical proficiency.

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